Build with Ease

If you have built on Ethereum, you are ready to build on Nexus. It is fully EVM-compatible — meaning you can use all your existing tools and code.

Key Features

  • Use your existing Ethereum development setup.

  • Rely on all out-of-the box Ethereum tools (Hardhat, Foundry or Remix).

  • Use standard libraries (ethers.js, web3.js or viem).

  • Deploy Solidity contracts without modifications.

Network Details

  "chainId": "393",
  "rpcUrl": "",
  "wsUrl": "wss://",
  "explorerUrl": ""

Quick Start Guide

1. Update Your Development Config

Just add the Nexus Layer 1 to your existing set up:

// hardhat.config.ts
module.exports = {
  networks: {
    nexus: {
      url: "",
      chainId: 393

2. Deploy Your Contract

Use your familiar deployment commands:

npx hardhat deploy --network nexus

3. Verify Your Contract

npx hardhat verify --network nexus <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

That’s it — you can get started building on Nexus today using your existing Ethereum development knowledge and tools.

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