Deploy an app
Start building on the Nexus Layer 1 in minutes
Build with Ease
If you have built on Ethereum, you are ready to build on Nexus. It is fully EVM-compatible — meaning you can use all your existing tools and code.
Key Features
Use your existing Ethereum development setup.
Rely on all out-of-the box Ethereum tools (Hardhat, Foundry or Remix).
Use standard libraries (ethers.js, web3.js or viem).
Deploy Solidity contracts without modifications.
Network Details
Quick Start Guide
1. Update Your Development Config
Just add the Nexus Layer 1 to your existing set up:
2. Deploy Your Contract
Use your familiar deployment commands:
3. Verify Your Contract
That’s it — you can get started building on Nexus today using your existing Ethereum development knowledge and tools.