zkVM Specifications
Nexus zkVM Overview

Nexus zkVM Overview

The Nexus Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine (Nexus zkVM) is a general computing platform allowing programs to be executed in a verifiable way. The Nexus zkVM architecture has two main components: the Nexus Virtual Machine and the Nexus Proof System.

Being inspired by the RISC-V ISA [WLPA14] and the vnTinyRAM architecture [CGTV20], the Nexus VM can be easily translated from the RISC-V instruction set, for which a rich set of compilation tools already exists. As a result, the Nexus zkVM can easily support the verifiable execution of programs written in high-level programming languages such as Rust and C++. Support for other machine architectures such as EVM and Wasm can be provided through translation, emulation, or native execution.

The first iterations of the Nexus Virtual Machine provide support for circuits encoded in Rank-1 Constraint Satisfiability (R1CS). Future versions of the Nexus zkVM will provide support for user-defined circuits written in alternative constraint systems.


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